This shampoo bar is so fantastic at repairing our hair, nourishing our skin, and helping our hair grow faster and stronger than ever before. If you’ve been battling hair loss, weak brittle hair, dandruff, dry locks, etc. you want to have this for your hair! This shampoo bar is formulated to nourish ALL hair types.
About the ingredients:
*🌱Nettles-Stinging nettle can provide nourishment to your hair. The vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols in the nettle plant boost hair growth and prevent hair loss all while strengthening your hair.
* 🌱Rosemary-contains carnosic acid, which is known to heal nerve damage,tissue damage, improve circulation and improve cellular turnover which can help your hair grow faster & stronger. The reason blood circulation is so important to hair growth is that without a proper blood supply, the follicles do not get the nutrients they need to grow the hair, and they can die off.
*🌱Horsetail-Because of its high silica content, horsetail is useful when trying to stimulate hair growth. The plant rejuvenates hair, adding sheen to the appearance and strength to the hair shafts. It also contains selenium and cysteine, which are known to promote healthy hair growth. By strengthening and improving the elasticity of the hair fiber, horsetail helps regulate the hair growth cycle, and reduces inflammation and improves cell turnover to create an optimal environment on the scalp for healthy hair growth.
*🌱Calendula-stimulates the hair follicles and roots while ensuring the growth of and nourishment of dense and silky tresses. Calendula is instilled with the goodness of polyphenols, which actually lock in on incessant hair loss and enhance the formation of new hair in bald patches.
*🌱Roses- nourishing and calming to the skin and scalp, they can help soften coarse hair and even ease frizziness. Roses help to curb excess oil production and add a beautiful shine to your locks.
*🌱Lavender-has antimicrobial properties, which helps to prevent bacteria and fungi growing. This can be particularly helpful if you have a sensitive scalp, as it helps to prevent itchiness and dandruff. By stimulating your hair follicles and increasing circulation, lavender also can help your grow longer and stronger than ever before. Known for its ability to moisturize hair, lavender aids in silky, soft, luxurious hair.
*🌱Peppermint-has a chemical in it called menthol that is extremely cooling and revitalizing to the scalp and hair follicles. It promotes hair growth, balances oil, & can increase hair thickness while also calming inflammation. Because of peppermints antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, it can also help get rid of dandruff and other pesky scalp conditions.
*🌱Aloe Vera-Aloe cleanses the hair shaft efficiently, stripping off extra sebum and residue from other hair products. It also helps to protect against harmful UV rays. Aloe is a gentle cleanser and doesn't hurt your hair strands while it cleans. Unlike other chemicals in hair products, aloe vera is soothing and protects the integrity of your hair.
Ingredients: Saponified castor oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, olive oil, coco butter, shea butter, peppermint, rosemary, horsetail, roses, lavender, calendula, nettles, aloe vera, coconut oil
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